Frist, Stem Cells, and the Polls

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist changed his mind today and said that stem cell research SHOULD be allowed by the government. This is a move to put him in, what he thinks, will be a good position to run for President after President Bush’s current term is over. Here is a direct quote from his statement to the Senate:

“As we know, adult stem cell research is not controversial on ethical grounds — while embryonic stem cell research is. Right now, to derive embryonic stem cells, an embryo — which many, including myself, consider nascent human life — must be destroyed. But I also strongly believe — as do countless other scientists, clinicians, and doctors — that embryonic stem cells uniquely hold specific promise for some therapies and potential cures that adult stem cells cannot provide.” (emphasis mine)

So, OK, you believe that you are destroying human life when you kill an embryo to use stem cells for possible therapy… yet, you say that you want the govenment to fund and allow this? Sorry, but as a Christian, first, and a Certified Natural Health Professional, second, I object to your rationale. Abortion is murder. God says murder is wrong. Duh. Whether you are killing babies that are safe in their mother’s womb (a horrible notion for any thinking individual that isn’t motivated by insane liberal political thinking) or, whether you are creating a life in a test tube, and then killing it for “so-called” therapy, it is still killing. I can think of no circumstance where killing an unborn child is excuseable.

I think that even though the polls may indicate that a majority of Americans favor stem cell research, this will still come back to “bite” Frist among those of us that are strong Conservative Christians. Sorry, Senator, we don’t change our core beliefs just because the polls rise or fall. Some of us simply look at what the Bible says and say, “That settles it.” Hide and watch. As a “Conservative” candidate… Frist is done.