Yahoo Gives Up Search Engine “Chase!”

Yahoo, Google… Google, Yahoo. Who is better at actual search engine dominance? Well, Yahoo has decided not to “play” anymore for the “honor” of top search site. Rather, they are re-directing thier efforts in other areas. How will this play out?

Yahoo Cedes Search to Google

We will have to see what this means in the long run… as Google is “diversifying” as well. But, I find it interesting that Yahoo is coming out and saying this!

Do Windows Apps Run Faster on Wine?

WINE is a recursive acronym for “WINE Is Not an Emulator.” Linux and UNIX folks love doing that! What WINE allows a user to do is run Windows applications under Linux. It doesn’t work on all Windows apps, but it does for many… and it is getting better! But, could it possibly run FASTER on WINE than natively on Windows? Well, check this out!

WINE Runs Faster?

WINE impliments the Windows API under Linux… perhaps Linux coders have been able to do it better than Windows programmers. Either way, it is pretty cool!