What is YOUR Level of HTML Knowledge?

I am a firm Level 5. What level are YOU at? This is a cute, and yet, thought provoking essay on levels of HTML savvy!

HTML Levels of Knowledge

The author says, “It spans all the way from people who know next to nothing about it to those who know it well enough to write the actual HTML specifications. I thought I’d describe a few different levels of HTML knowledge. For some people, these levels are stages that they pass while learning more and more about HTML, gradually understanding concepts such as web standards, semantics, and accessibility. Others are at a certain level because it matches their attitude towards HTML and coding in general. Many people never advance beyond the first few levels. For some that is just fine, while for others it is not. This is all written in a tongue-in-cheek way and is just my personal opinion. Please don’t over-react if you don’t agree or think some of the descriptions are a bit harsh. Try laughing instead.”

For an interesting “side-bar” thought to this post, the link below to an article that says that 50 MILLION people in the U.S. actually have posted content to the web in some form or fashion! Interesting!

50 Million Web Creators

Microsoft Officially Launches it’s “Live OneCare” Service

After month’s of beta testing, Microsoft has announced official availability of it’s “Live OneCare” program of data security. You can protect three PCs for $49.95 per year.

Microsoft Live OneCare Launch

“The move pits the world’s largest software maker head-to-head with longtime business partners Symantec Corp., McAfee Inc. and others. Windows Live OneCare, which will protect up to three computers for $49.95 per year, marks the latest step in Microsoft’s effort over the years to make its operating system less vulnerable to crippling Internet attacks.”

Microsoft’s Live OneCare Website

Internet2 Gets Gigafast-er!

DEWD! We think we have a “hot” connection to the Internet when we have a full 1 megabit line (nearly T1 speeds.) But, imagine a connection that offers 800 Gbps (Yes, that is GIGAbits per second!) Internet2 (which is mostly academic and research institutions already have 10 gigabits per second on average… which is already awesome… but they are getting an upgrade… and WHAT an upgrade! Wow! When can I have it!??!

Speed Boost for Internet2

“The upgrade will use 80 different wavelengths to send the traffic that could make it possible for uncompressed hi-def video and video conferencing, over the net collaboration and even give a massive boost to grid computing. Internet2, a consortium of 201 academic institutions plans to phase out its Abilene network, which has been in service for seven years. The consortium will not renew its fiber contract with Qwest Communications. The Abilene Network used 10,000 route-miles of Qwest’s 10-Gigabit-per-second optical network.”

Vista VS. OpenSUSE 10.1

eWeek has an article that I thought I would never see in a “standard” IT newsmag… a “smackdown” comparison between Microsoft Vista and OpenSUSE 10.1 (Linux!) Now, I have no illusions here, obviously due to prior market penatration, Microsoft has the overwhelming advantage, but who would have thought that the day would come that anyone would dare compare a new version of Windows to a new version of Linux? Interesting days are ahead!

Vista/SUSE Smackdown

“In one corner, we have the champ—Windows. Come January, it will come out swinging with what Microsoft tells us is the latest and greatest version ever—Vista. In the other corner, we have the challenger—OpenSUSE 10.1, the latest shipping version of Novell/SUSE’s community Linux. Sometime this summer, its commercial version, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, will come out looking to KO the champ.”