The Green Lantern Movie Starts Today! It Will Be EPIC!!!

Green LanternYou MUST see this movie, it will radiate green epic-ness! GL has always been one of my MOST favorite super-heroes! MAN! I am SO looking forward to this movie! It looks like it will be true to the comic book story… and very science fiction-y as well! Coolness!

You know what I will be doing this weekend! (The GameMaster is stoked as well!) In fact, the whole family, including my wife, Belinda, is looking forward to this one… but then, we are all Sci-Fi, comic book geeks anyway! Still, this one looks very, very good to me!

“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!”