DirCaster 0.9i Released Today!

Thanks to our PHP Coding Master, Henry Ratliff, for working out a way to add a great new feature to DirCaster!

We added “The Cloud Option” – A method of allowing media files to be stored in another location than in the DirCaster directory, for instance, in a Cloud storage location, like Amazon S3. This would also allow the use of Amazon Cloudfront to better distribute media world-wide.

The override ‘.txt’ tag [enclosureURL] DID NOT WORK in previous versions, it has been corrected in this new (.9i) version.

Optional: Made a sub-directory for the override text files. We used ‘override_files’ but, it can be configured. Placing all the files here makes things cleaner and avoids any problems with other types of text files. You can leave them in the DirCaster root, but rename any other .txt files \ from the directory you choose.

These variables are new to config_inc.php
$remoteMedia = 1; //1= remote, 0= current method
$overrideFileType = ‘.txt’;
$overrideFolder = ‘./override_files’. ‘/’;

You should be able to add these to any existing config_inc.php file to avoid re-doing the old config file.

See the included config_inc.php file for new installations, and documentation.

When using $remoteMedia = 1
Make sure to use the following variables
All these values are the same:

You may use these new tags. The program will skip them if not valued:

For a $remoteMedia = 1
You should remove any media files, unless you point to them in an override text file. With $remoteMedia = 1, media can be anywhere including local to dircaster.php (full URL, not a relative path)

$enclosurePrefix still works the same as before.